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Hotel Lobby


Best Choice

You have decided to distribute your inventory to Fastpayhotels and enter in a new evolution of the B2B distribution. Thanks to our native Push API, you will be able to distribute your properties globally but also adapt content and functionalities that have been designed to reach the best travel agencies in the world.


You only need to develop our API if you are working through a channel that is not already connected to Fastpayhotels. See here our integration list:


  • Availpro

  • Derbysoft

  • Dingus

  • Highgate/Hoteltrader

  • Inspira

  • Premier Inn

  • Rategain

  • Sabre/Synxis

  • Siteminder

  • Travelclick

  • Yieldplanet


Channels to come soon...

  • Hotelconnect

  • Hotelonline

  • Prestige

  • PrimalRes

  • Rentals United

  • ReservIT

  • Villa Select


How does it work?


Preparation phase

Download our specs here, no credentials are required at this stage.

Review your timings of implementation and let´s sign a contract with your commercial manager. If you have no commercial manager yet, please contact us at:

download here


Dev phase

Start your development with the support of our team. We are available at:

Once you are ready on your side, please contact to start the next phase and start certification.


QA certification (Test) phase

Credentials and URL for test environment will be provided to start developing. You will have access to a simple test sample with different room and rate types case scenarios.

During this test phase we will ensure that all the content of the specifications (except for 3.3 Booking Retrieval), are successful.


Production certification phase

With the first part of certification done, you will now move to our production environment.

You will receive new credentials and URL. During this phase, also 3.3 Booking Retrieval  will be tested. Please note that bookings performed in production environment will not be “real” bookings.

Once ready, we will start performing some test on properties to finally certify that all requirements are met. Our team will guide you through the process.

You´re live!

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